Motivation Collection

Our Motivation Collection, mindfully curated to ignite your inner drive towards your goals. Bloodstone serves as your resilience companion, keeping you going when life throws a speed bump in your path, infusing you with determination. Lapis Lazuli acts as your reliable GPS, guiding you on your path, providing clarity every step of the way. Malachite empowers you to turn moments of feeling stuck into opportunities for transformation. Whether you carry these powerful stones with you or rest them in their tranquil home, let them serve as reminders of your intentions as you embark on a journey of motivation and success.

  • Included: Bloodstone, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite
  • Motivation Collection description card
  • Selenite bowl: A tranquil home for the stones
  • Linen being carrying pouch included
  • All ethically sourced
  • Measurements: Stones approximately 1-1.75 inches; bowl approximately 3.5-4 inches
